My first stop was near the Highland Park Dam on the Allegheny River. I had heard earlier in the week that there was a variety of ducks in that area. Unfortunately the river was running very high so the ducks weren’t around on the Allegheny. I did manage to test out the new eyepiece on some seagulls that were roosting on the Highland Park Bridge. The wind was out of the Northwest and was blowing pretty well so the wind chill was in the low 20’s, after about 45 minutes I’d had enough on the Allegheny.

I got into the truck and drove to the mouth of 9-Mile Run on the Monongahela River. Again the river was running high and fast. I was able to get a few shots of a Ringneck duck and some Mallards on the river itself.

I eventually meandered to the stream itself. There the water was much calmer and the lighting was great. I got some really outstanding shots of a pair of Mallards. Due to the really cold weather this morning, after shooting the Mallards, I decided that I had enough for one day and went on my way to my warm house.

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